Taking a quick break from recipes to bring you some workout inspiration! Whether you go to a big fitness center, smaller gym, or workout from home, I hope this gives you a fun routine to try!

Above is our current gym set-up that allows us to have a space for our workouts when we don’t feel like driving to the gym. The best part, working out in my pajamas! We didn’t always have all of this but I have always loved the option of working out from home.
Bellow I wrote out 3 workouts that can be done in 20 minutes. They can be done alone or paired with a strength session. I think 3 high intensity workouts is plenty for a “healthy” person, meaning stress levels are not high, sleep is good, and they are eating enough food to fuel these workouts.
Have fun! Message me with any questions!
Workout #1
20 min. Alternating EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
Minute 1: 8-12 Burpees
Minute 2: 25 Sit-ups
Minute 3: 10 Lunge-Lunge-Squat
Minute 4: 200 m Run (run for 45 seconds)
*Notes: If you finish the work for that minute, rest until the next minute. THIS MEANS YOU WILL BE DOING 5 ROUNDS-Math ha!
Workout #2
3 rounds for time: (20 min. cap)
50 Squats
40 Toe-Touches (lying on your back, legs up)
30 KB Swings
20 Push-ups
100 Double-Unders (or 200 single jumps)
Workout #3
20 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
20 DB/KB/BB Thrusters
20 Weighted Sit-ups (hold something close to your chest)
20 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges

Fun fact: I used to run a small group training session out of our garage! It eventually got too big and took it over to my current gym Newton’s Law of Fitness. At one point I had over 10 + people in our garage and outdoor space! We took it out to the streets and surprisingly, my neighbors loved it! If you are interested in training at “my” gym (NLFC) send me a message! I also offer personal training and small group training sessions.