Hello! Thank you for stoping by!
Today’s recipe is what my childhood was made of! Caldito de pollo aka chicken soup. If it was cold, we had it, if we had a cold, we had it, or if our mom thought we needed more nutrients, we had it! It is such a simple soup but it is full of flavor. Boiling the chicken in water before adding all of the veggies, makes the broth become so flavorful and full of nutrients. Once the veggies are in there and are fully cooked, it adds even more flavor!
This dish is great for children and babies that are starting to eat solids and meat. With rain in the forecast, this will be the perfect comfort soup.
Hope you enjoy one of my childhood favorites!

“Caldo de Pollo” (Mexican Chicken Soup)
Servings: 8
- 14 cups Water A large pot filled about half-way.
- 1 Whole Chicken
- 1 Small Onion
- 2 Bay Leaves
- 2 Cloves of Garlic
- 1 tsp Salt
- 2 tbsp Chicken Flavor Bouillon I used powdered, you can also use 2 small pre packaged cubes.
- 2 Large Russet Potatoes Peeled, rinsed, and chopped into large chunks.
- 3-4 Zucchini Rinsed and chopped into large chunks.
- 4 Carrots Peeled and chopped into large chunks.
- 1/2 cup Cilantro + more for garnish.
- Lime For garnish.
- Bring water to boil in a large pot.
- As the water begins to boil, cut washed chicken separating the breasts, thighs, wings, drumsticks, and backbone.
- Add the chicken pieces, onion, garlic, bay leaves, chicken bouillon and salt to the pot. Set the stove to medium low, cover and let it cook for 1 hour. Longer is okay, the broth becomes more flavorful. NOTE: Skim the white "matter" that surfaces to the top when boiling. Use a fine mesh strainer.
- After chicken has been cooking for about an hour, add the rest of the vegetables except for the cilantro and cook for another hour covered.
- After one hour, check the veggies to make sure they are fully cooked. Add cilantro.
- Add lime juice and more fresh cilantro when ready to serve.