
Crossfit Open 17.2 Variations

17.2 is here and if you are participating in the open, this workout is much more than “just a workout”. For many, it might have been the first time you’ve ever performed a bar muscle-up! After all, the Crossfit Open is a time of many firsts! Bellow you will find the actual workout plus a fun variation that is more inclusive. Have fun!

17.2 (Actual workout)

12 minute AMRAP of:

2 rounds

50 ft DB Walking Lunges

16 Toes-to-bar

8 DB Cleans


2 rounds

50 ft DB Walking Lunges

16 Bar Muscle-ups

8 DB Cleans

17.2 (Variation)

12 minute AMRAP of:

50 ft walking lunges (about 5 per leg)

16 Reverse Crunches

8 DB Cleans OR 8 DB Swings

50 ft walking lunges (about 5 per leg)

16 Ring Rows/TRX Row/Supine Barbell Row

8 DB Cleans OR 8 DB Swings

(Don’t mimic the original 2 round change that happens in the original workout)