
CrossFit Open 17.4 Variations

What Crossfit is all about ^

Full disclosure, this year I have not been focusing on the Crossfit Open workouts like I have in the past. I love Crossfit but because I’m not currently coaching at a Crossfit gym well, out of sight…out of mind. Again, I love Crossfit and everything it does to so many communities and the open is such a fun time! I’m bummed to be missing out! I nearly missed this week’s fun variation workout…but here it is!!!


As many rounds as possible in 13 minutes of:

55 Deadlifts 225/155lbs.

55 Wall Balls 10/9ft.

55 Cal Row

55 Hand-Stand Push-ups

17.4 Variation

As many rounds as possible in 13 minutes of*:

55 Kettle Bell Deadlifts (you choose weight)

55 Wall Balls OR Bodyweight Squats

55 Cal Row OR Kettle Bell High Pulls

55 Hand-Release Push-ups

*Break up the workout into 5 rounds of 11 reps going down the list of movements if 55 reps is too much for you. It would look like this:

5 rounds: 11 KB Deadlifts, 11 Wall Balls/Squats, 11 Cals on Rower, 11 Hand-Release Push-ups.

Give it a try! Have fun!