
Fun Partner Workout!

Hey there strong people! My sister and I have been working out together for about 4 months now. I always try to find fun ways to keep us motivated and working hard. This workout was fun and we definitely worked hard! Our warm-up was longer but we made sure to start off slow and as the 20 minutes went on, we picked up the intensity. The actual “100s” workout, we would switch every 10 reps so we could maintain a 1:1 work:rest ratio. There’s no better way to push a friend or family member than with a fun partner workout. Get after it!

P.S. if some of the equipment we use is not available to you, get creative and work with what you have! For example, if you don’t have access to a sled, while one person is doing the box jumps and slams, the other can be running or going up and down stairs!


20 minute AMRAP

Partner 1: Sled push 50ft. + Sled Pull 50ft.

Partner 2: 20 Box Jumps/Step-ups + 20 Sand bell Slams


**REST 2-5 minutes before next workout.**

For time:

100 Calorie Row

100 KB Swings

100 Wall Balls

100 Ab Mat Sit-ups

DIVIDE UP THE WORK EVENLY…we switched every 10 reps!