
Hotel Workout: feel good while you travel!

Hey there strong people!
The following is a complete workout from warm-up to cool down to get you feeling great while you travel! I started it out with a Dynamic Stretch since you have most likely been sitting for a long period of time either in a plane or in a car. Once you get your body feeling great, it’s go time! A full body workout with minimal equipment that almost all hotel gyms have. Remember, have a game plan and make the workout manageable. Have fun!

Dynamic Stretch: all movements done while “walking”. In an open area, do the movement going one direction for about 40ft. then jog back to the start.
1. Lunge + hip flexor stretch (hold for 5 seconds at the bottom of the lunge, raise arms towards front leg)
2. Figure 4 Stretch (grab your foot and bring it up towards hip to create a “figure 4” with body)
3. Inchworm (walk out with your hands to a plank and walk feet back to a pike position)
4. Side Lunges (groin stretch, don’t worry about depth more than stretching)
5. Toe touches (high kick, left foot to right hand…)
6. Quad Stretch (reach behind you and grab foot, KEEP knees together, opposite arm comes up)
7. Knee tucks (grab leg by your knee and tuck towards your chest)

Circuit 1:
2-4 Rounds of 12-15 reps of:

Goblet Squats (hold a DB or KB against chest)
Hand-Release Push-ups
DB/KB Snatch (beginners do high-pull)
Russian Twist (12-15 L + 12-15 R)

Circuit 2:
10-20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

20 Jumping Jacks
10 Sit-ups
20 Plank up-downs
10 Burpees
20 KB/DB Swings

Cool Down (stretches/mobility):
Hip-flexor Stretch
Child’s pose
Lying Hamstring Stretch
Lying Low back stretch (bring one knee to chest, drop across body)