
5 Bodyweight Workouts

Hello there! Hope you, your friends and family are doing well! If you are in need of a “no equipment” workout, these are easy to follow and will give you a great little “pump” (ha!). You can mix and match or change things around, get creative!

1. Lower Body

4 Sets: *Rest In-between Super Sets

20 Hip Thrust

10 Bulgarian Lunges (each leg)


20 Squats 

10 Single-leg Hip-Thrust (each leg)


20 Cossack Squats (Side lunges)

10 Lunge-Lunge Squats 

2. Upper Body

4 Sets: *Rest In-between Super Sets

20 Bench Dips

10 Pushups 


20 Shoulder Taps 

10 Close-Grip Push-ups 


20 Crab Walk (10 Forward and 10 Back) 

10 Plank Up/Downs 

3. Full Body 

4 Sets: *Rest In-between Super Sets

20 Single Leg Squats to a Bench/Chair (10 each leg)

10 Tricep Dips on Bench


20 Hand-Release Push-ups

10 Single Leg/Arm V-ups (10 each side)


20 Step-ups to a Bench/Chair (10 each leg)

10 Super Mans

4. High Intensity 




Jump Squats 

*Perform 30 reps of each movement, then 20, and finally 10. 

5. Core Circuit 

1-2 Rounds:

100 Russian Twist 

80 Sit-ups

60 Toe Touches

40 Second Plank

20 Side Plank Hip Taps